Anthropological discourse of orthodoxy in the context of existential uncertainty of modern human being
DOI:Ключові слова:
Orthodox Anthropology, Christology, Soteriology, Man, Theology, Spirituality, Existential Uncertainty.Анотація
he article analyzes the vector of modern transformation of anthropological issues in Orthodoxy, which determines the revision of traditional approaches to the conditions of worship, rites and ceremonies. Among the important conditions of modern religious transformations are considered general civilizational shifts due to the transition to postmodern society, world globalization, the crisis of European civilization, the process of secularization, the pandemic COVID- 19. These processes have led to the general "anthropological revolution" that the world community is experiencing today, while actualizing both existential problems and understanding the risks and difficulties of overcoming the pandemic. It has been established that the challenge for the Orthodox Churches is to demonstrate the stability of the faith and to adapt quickly to the realities of today on the basis of ecclesiology.
It is proved that the knowledge of the essence of man, in accordance with the existential challenges of today, necessitates theological discourse, rethinking, and the need for a new interpretation of the main issues of ritual practice. Anthropological provisions of Orthodox doctrine, which reveal the nature of man, his purpose in life and ways of salvation, are formed on the basis of Christian dogmas of triadology and Christology, where it is understood as the image and likeness of God. The authors come to understand and interpret the laws of transformation of Christian anthropology, due to the rethinking of the basic dogmatic provisions of the Orthodox faith and socio- cultural breakdown of the modern world. Modern theologians draw an important conclusion for the understanding of the individual about the ontological primacy of the incarnation and the person in relation to nature and essence.
We believe that in a situation of existential uncertainty and variability of modern human existence, the most controversial issue in the Orthodox environment in practice is the interpretation of the sacrament of the Eucharist, which actualizes the issue of Christian dualism. Understanding it in the context of historical and modern trends requires reference to the Holy Father's heritage. This led to the emergence of syncretic religious movements in the early Christian period, expressing a dualistic interpretation of the person of Jesus Christ. This helps a person to overcome the theoretical limits of teaching, directing him to the knowledge of his true nature. The study focuses on the need to determine the anthropological content of paradigmatic transformations of modern Orthodox theology. As well as establishing the possibility of the influence of Christian doctrine of man on overcoming the anthropological crisis of our time. This approach in theology determines the view of the doctrine of man not only as theoretically significant, but also as a practical embodiment of the idea of godlikeness.
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