DOI:Ключові слова:
globalization, civilization, Covid-19, quantum, spirituality, education, distance learning, worldview, national identity, mentality.Анотація
The article highlights the main transformation processes of the modern world – the transition to a new civilizational structure as an informational and globalization processes that unfolded at the end of the twentieth century. The main approaches to understanding the essence and main directions of globalization are characterized in a concentrated concise form. It is noted that the theoretical concepts of this process considered the desire of the subjective factor, and natural factors were not predicted. This one-sidedness in explaining globalization was perceived only when a "pitfall" – Covid -19 – arose in this process.
Covid-19 is explained as a natural pathogen, as a global "quantum" of negative impact on the sphere of material and spiritual production. The concept of "quantum" in the article is used to research and understand the basis of most medical macros. It is indicated that such "quanta" in the history of mankind were epidemics, diseases, today Covid -19, arising from the predatory strategy of environmental management. Revealed its destructive impact on the spiritual life of society, its basic component of education. In the context of this goal, the main directions of the crisis that is emerging now are revealed. Objective substantiation is attributed to them and received: a decrease in the level of personal knowledge; decline in the practical training of future specialists, due to the transition to distance learning. Attention is focused on the complexity of the formation for a worldview through the termination of the connection between the teacher and the student. The problems with the formation of the mentality are characterized, the essence of the mental field is explained, its components are highlighted. The statement of the problem of the relationship between education and morality is emphasized.
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