The ontogenetic concept of the sociocultural world in the context of social identity in the age of civilization challenges and uncertainties
DOI:Ключові слова:
Hypothesis of a Holistic Socio-Cultural World, Holistic Worldview, Holistic Theory of Social Genesis, Social Identity, Socio-Cultural Identity, the Situation of Uncertainty.Анотація
The influence of identity discourses in social theory is one of the defining trends of modern society. Along with social theories of primordialistic origin of ethnos and identity, in which the socio-cultural component appears as a form of historical development of social life of peoples and nations, the hypothesis of the socio-cultural world as a holistic phenomenon attracts attention. It is used by social theorists to denote the unity of the cultural and social existence of the individual, his mastery of interpretations of the symbolic level of social reality, or the reproduction of the connection between the natural environment and social reality.
The development of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of socio-cultural world is studied. It is established that value, socio-cultural and civilizational approaches are dominant for the scientific field of domestic humanitarian and social knowledge. The article argues that the transformations of ideological contexts in the interpretation of the development of society played a significant role in the formation of the civilization approach. The essence of the ontogenetic definition of the sociocultural world is revealed. It is found that it is the basis for the interpretation of this phenomenon as a holistic form of social life and determined that a specific feature of the ontogenetic definition of the sociocultural world is its connection with identical discourses of the scientific field of humanities and social knowledge, diversity of humanity. It is in this direction that the phenomenon of attributing the notion of "genesis" to such an object of social theory as man should be interpreted, and the notion of "holistic" to the notion of "sociocultural world". It is also important to emphasize that the concept of "local civilization" receives in its use an expanded interpretation, as well as an emphasis on the connection between the symbolic universe created by a particular community and socio-cultural reality based on their interdependence.
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