Communicative activity of personality in the dimension of uncertainty of the information society: socio-philosophical reflection


  • С. В. Куцепал Полтавський юридичний інститут Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого, Україна


Ключові слова:

Information Society (Digital Society), Symbolic Production and Exchange, Internet Communication, Situation of Uncertainty, Virtual Reality.


The article proves that the present is marked in terms of worldview by a radical change in attitudes to social reality and communication. Instead of printed matter the Internet communication is the main mediator in the communication of most contemporaries, and as a result there is a new stage in the development of mankind ‒ information (digital) society. Man himself is undergoing significant changes: Homo Sapiens is gradually becoming Homo Informaticus, e-Homo or Homo Virtualis. Thus there is a new type of socialization when the person receives qualitatively new means and ways for self-realization. The determining factors of social transformations are social networks, the Internet and mobile communication technologies, due to which ontological boundaries are leveled, individualization and personal autonomy intensify, the issue of the impact of virtual reality on a person and his inner world becomes relevant.

The purpose of the article is to explore the principles and pragmatics of communicative activity of a person with the anonymity and virtuality of information sources as basic for the information (digital) society. We propose to consider this through the prism of the phenomenon of E-Homo (Homo Informaticus, Homo Virtualis), suggesting the growing role of situations of uncertainty in the symbolic production and exchange of today's society as a research hypothesis.

The object of research work is the communicative sphere of everyday life and human activity in the information (digital) society.

It is proved in the article that due to the Internet resource and communication in the network space there is a formation of scientific systems and creation of scientific strategies, as well as the danger of loss of spiritual capital in the symbolic production and exchange of society is actualized; transformation of the subject of the cognitive process into the information collector. Man starts existing in the continuum of interactive performance, not realizing that his ability to influence the course of the play is only an illusion, and interpersonal interactions are only superficial.

Біографія автора

С. В. Куцепал, Полтавський юридичний інститут Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого

Доктор філософських наук, професор


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