Civil identity in situation of social uncertainty as an object of research in socio-human sciences
DOI:Ключові слова:
Identity, Civic Identity, Social Identity, National Identity, Ethnic Identity, Situation of Social Uncertainty, Social Crisis, Civic Identification, Civic PracticesАнотація
The intensification of socio-political movements within Ukraine and in the world as a whole at the beginning of the 21st century led to an appeal to the civic consciousness, position and identity of the individual and his role in the building of democratic states. The scientific community did not stay away from these processes and began to actively discuss the nature of civic identity, its levels and structure.
This article presents a representation of the concept under study in the discourse of the social sciences. The authors made an attempt to analyze and summarize the available domestic scientific research on the problem under study. The research material was scientific articles and dissertations presented in the database of the Vernadsky National Library.
The results made it possible to conclude that there is a diversity of approaches to defining civic identity in the social sciences. It is established that the definition of the essence of the concept should be made by comparing it with ethnic, national, gender-role, professional, social and cultural identities.
It has been found out that civic identity is considered by scientists as a dynamic system of citizens' perceptions of themselves and related experiences and value-meaning-filled ones, which are formed as derivatives of the awareness of a citizen of a certain state and at the same time a member of the community of citizens.
It is revealed that civic identity is based on the typicality (community) of problems of social self- realization of the individual in the organizational space of the state. The conditions of social self- realization, which exist in the organizational space of the state, unite people on the basis of thecommon values existing in the axiological space of the state. In this way, civic identity differs from a national identity close to it, oriented more towards national culture and traditions, as well as national interests in politics.
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