DOI:Ключові слова:
symbolic exchange, simulacrum, consumer society, information space, urbanism, philosophy of advertising, communicative activity.Анотація
The article presents a socio-philosophical analysis of the functioning of advertising in the urban socio-cultural space in the following aspects: socio-cultural: advertising as an agent of influence on the spiritual culture of the individual and society, as a spatial dominant of modern urban architectural environment; anthropological: advertising as a tool for experiencing the city; social: advertising as an agent of the formation of consumer attitudes of city residents and a tool of communication, especially in terms of the establishment of «tablet consciousness». It is revealed how the visualization of advertising images, the saturation of the urban information space with audio messages of advertising content form the culture of the individual primarily due to the repetitive nature of their translation. Amplification information flows, increasing the share of advertising messages, the actual totalization of advertising in the urban socio-cultural space encourage the use of various control and restrictive means to prevent the dominance of advertising in it. The opposite reaction is to the «invasion» through different cultural strata, in particular through street art.
A special way of human existence is the formation of identity (urban, rural) through his experience of local connection with the settlement where he lives or lived, and thus the expression of feelings of belonging to the responsibility for the common destiny. Appeal to the markers of the uniqueness of the city, the creation of stereotypical images, the use of official symbols, logos, attributes, legendary images in advertising affect the emotional component of the formation of urban identity. The city's experience through advertising is, first, through social advertising, which proclaims the meanings and values of both national and local identities, ie the values of «local patriotism» and which proclaims the meanings and values of coexistence (solidarity, subsidiarity, ecological and public security and etc.), and secondly, commercial, which uses as a tool the humanitarian, social, communal and economic problems of the city.
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