DOI:Ключові слова:
anthropology, Christology, soteriology, man, theology, spirituality, being.Анотація
The study aims to reveal the transformation of religious anthropology as a component of theology, which involves the study of the doctrines of Christian churches to analyze the processes of formation of the Christian worldview. The article emphasizes the need to determine the anthropological content of paradigmatic transformations of modern theology, and also establishing the possibilities of the influence of Christian doctrine of man on overcoming the anthropological crisis of modernity.
The authors proceed from the laws of transformation of Christian anthropology due to the rethinking of the basic dogmatic provisions of Christian doctrine and socio-cultural breakdown of the modern world. Dominant in Western theology was neo-patristic, whose followers attempted to update traditional teaching by using modern terminology in accordance with today's demands. As the opposite evolutionary direction, the authors cite the postulates of modern theology related to the liturgical teachings of Greek theologians, which are based on the idea of "Eucharistic ecclesiology", which became widespread in Eastern religious and philosophical thought.
Based on the analysis of anthropological concepts of modern Christianity, it is established that their main issue in theological teaching concerned the concept of the person of God and man. This approach has led to some contradictions in anthropology, interpreting the concept of personality in four meanings: as an embodiment; as a connection; as unity and divine consciousness. Christian theologians had an excellent view of the concept of personality in anthropological issues, which led to the formation of different approaches in modern theology. At the same time, theologians have established the ontological supremacy of the incarnation and the person over nature and essence, which allows man to realize human existence in the image of Christ. Therefore, the inferiority of human nature, on the one hand, does not allow man to become God, and on the other – He is manifested in his personality.
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